FUDOPROSA (Dominican-Canadian Foundation for the Promotion of Health)

FUDOPROSA’s conception of health had its origins in the research activities for health promotion and care with HIV patients in association with St Luc Hospital Medical Center and Hotel Dieu Hospital in Montreal, Canada.
The research results showed a high risk for contracting HIV, STD’S, and other tropical diseases when travelling to the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Given this we felt it necessary to implement direct intervention services in the Island among tourists and residents, as well as partnering with appropriate government authorities in Canada, the Dominican Republic and Haiti in order to implement viable projects in local communities and major tourists areas. Having worked with these pathologies (HIV, STD’s etc.) for more than 10 years, we decided to go deeper into the issues. First, this is a developing country or area. The Dominican Republic is more advanced than Haiti, and is moving toward greater industrialization activities. Haiti, on the other hand is trying to recover from the negative effects of the recent earthquake and must develop a viable political infrastructure to implement disaster relief resources to put the country on a viable development track. Here is the problem we are now trying to address. The people of both nations are underfed, undernourished, under employed, suffer high infant mortality, high incidences of diseases brought on by malnutrition including: heart disease, high blood pressure, growth retardation, diabetes, kashiorkor, marasmus, obesity, etc.
FUDOPROSA seeks to develop a food security project focused on micro enterprises to produce a vitamin fortified biscuit and/or cracker to sell to school districts in both countries, food cooperatives to distribute appropriate grains and vegetables to add to diets, food education focused on preparing nutritious meals, physical examinations for testing for vitamin deficiencies, and requisite administrative support.
In Haiti we will affiliate with ‘Haiti Recovery’ a local Haitian foundation that is a legally incorporated non profit organization, and in the Dominican Republic similar activities will be administered and managed by FUDOPROSA. Our activities are consistent with the Bi national accords already established between both countries.

FUDOPROSA is  affiliated with the following organizations: McGill University, and Montreal University, Canada; the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia(USA), The Ministry of Public Health, Dominican Republic, UNICEF, World Bank, USAID, the Canadian Agency for International Development(CIDA), and MINUSTHA, the Peace keeping forces from the U.N.
So, these are the things we hope to accomplish. This appeal is to people of good will. To get to a goal, we need to take actual steps. Wish and desire can get us started. But we need the strength of our will to carry us forward. In the words of Teresa of Avila, the Divine and Sacred Reality is always there, if you feel wounded. The Reality is always there over this earth over this earth like a divine medic, and the love thaws the holy in us. St. Teresa of Avila. “When the Holy Thaws,” in Love Poems From God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West by Daniel Ladinsky.