Background and Rationale
Dominican-Canadian Foundation for the Promotion of Health (FUDOPROSA) is a non-governmental, non-profit, spiritually grounded organization established in the city of Santo Domingo in 1998 to provide health and community development activities throughout the island of Hispanola.  Our vision and mission emerged from our initial research activities with St Luc Hospital Medical Center and Hotel Dieu Hospital in Montreal Canada where we found that the high incidences of HIV AIDS and STDS we were encountering, (HIV aids research was our initial thrust into Hispanola) was based on the interaction between local residents, child and sex tourism, and prostitution.  No Surprise here.
Canadians are among the largest groups that visit the Island, and we felt that direct intervention in Hispanola was the best way to proceed to make a difference.
We began developing partnerships with the Dominican and Haitian  Ministries of Health and Public Services, various international organizations such as: USAID, International Development Bank, World Bank, UNICEF,and Canadian Agency for International Development(CAID), and we were the first to provide services to those Dominicans and Haitians living in the Bateyes, or labor camps throughout the Island, We are proud that our projects have contributed to the reduction of these diseases, from a high of 5% in 1998 when we started, to the current, less than an estimated 2%. 2013.

We expanded our services with the establishing of a major health clinic with programs and activities to combat health and nutrition issues, and this is why we are speaking to you.